Fuzzy C-means clustering is one of the important learning algorithms in the field of pattern recognition, which has been applied early to image segmentation. 模糊C-均值聚类是模式识别中的重要算法之一,很早就被应用到图像分割中。
Image segmentation which subordinates digital image processing takes significant impact on analyzing knitted fabric, especially on pattern segmentation and recognition of weft jacquard knitted fabric. 而属于数字图像处理范畴的图像分割技术在处理针织物,特别是在对纬编提花针织物花纹的自动分割和识别方面发挥着重要的作用。
General speaking, AVC based image processing and pattern recognition can be decomposed into three steps such as moving segmentation, object tracking and vehicle classification. 采用图像处理和模式识别的方法识别车型,一般分为运动分割、多目标跟踪和车型判别三个步骤。
Pattern region segmentation is one function that has not been provided in the jacquard CAD system. 组织区域分割是当前纹织CAD系统所缺少的功能。
Statistical Pattern Recognition for Segmentation of Rock Joint Image 基于统计模式识别的岩石节理图像分割方法
The system can automatically inspect and recognize characters of piston surface by properly image processing and analyzing technology such as pattern matching, image calibration, image extraction, threshold segmentation, morphology, optical character recognition and so forth. 该系统通过适当的图象处理和分析,如模板匹配、图象校正、图象提取、阈值分割、形态学膨胀、腐蚀以及光学字符识别等技术,能够实现活塞表面字符的自动检测与识别。
This paper introduces some applications in image processing with wavelets, such as edge detection, pattern recognition and image segmentation. 本文介绍小波分析在图像处理中的应用,有多尺度边缘检测、图像识别、图像分割。
Pattern Recognition Based on Circular Segmentation for Counting of Bounded Bar Steel 基于类圆分割的棒材计数图像识别
Jacquard image segmentation is the linchpin of jacquard pattern design. Curve evolution model is a popular method for image segmentation. 提花织物图像分割是提花图案设计的关键,曲线演化模型是一种流行的图像分割方法,但是该方法无法检测含噪环境下的图像特征。
Associative memory and pattern segmentation are main functions of human's brain. Hippocampus of the brain is the important base of the two functions. 联想记忆和模式分割是大脑的重要功能,大脑海马区是这一功能的重要物质基础。
Pattern Segmentation Based on Hindmarsh-Rose Neuron Model 基于Hindmarsh-Rose神经元模型的模式分割
The study has realized each stages of pattern course, including image input, image preprocessing, object segmentation, feature selecting, object classification and recognition, database inquiring and managing and information obtaining etc. 本文的研究实现了图像识别过程的各个阶段,包括图像输入、图像预处理、目标分割和定位、特征提取、目标分类识别、数据库查询与管理和情报获取等。
Multi-Object Pattern Segmentation Based on Maximum Local Entropy Method 基于局部最大熵的多目标图像分割方法
A number of supervised and unsupervised pattern recognition techniques have been proposed in recent years for the tissue segmentation and quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance images. 近年来提出了许多监督和非监督模式识别技术用于磁共振图象的组织分类和定量分析。
The panel with infrared pattern painting has excellent properties of spot segmentation in thermal image, while the panel with only visible light pattern painting has no properties of spot segmentation. 由不同红外发射率涂层组成的红外迷彩板的热图斑块分割效果良好,而仅具有可见光迷彩的板在红外热涂上没有分割效果。
Audio classification is essentially pattern recognition. According to the theory of pattern recognition, a framework for audio classification and segmentation is proposed, discussing the key technologies in this field. 音频分类本质上是一个模式识别过程,根据模式识别理论,设计了音频分类与分割的技术流程,并对其中所涉及到的关键技术进行了探讨。
Evolutionary Computation in pattern recognition, image restoration, image edge feature extraction, image segmentation, etc. has been applied to study and become a hot spot at present. 目前进化计算已在模式识别、图像恢复、图像边缘特征提取,图像分割等方面得到了应用,并成为研究的热点。
The edge of the image is the foundation of image processing example for computer vision, pattern recognition, image segmentation, which requires detection and extracts its edge. 图像的边缘是计算机视觉、模式识别、图像分割等图像处理的基础,这就需要对一幅图像检测和提取出它的边缘。
The paper focus on the extraction and the matching of the pattern of formatted document, that is: The pattern extraction of formatted documentation lies in three aspects: region segmentation, region characteristic extraction and the description of pattern. 本文重点研究格式文档模式的提取以及文档模式的匹配,具体如下:格式文档的模式提取工作分三个方面:区域分割、区域属性提取及模式的表示。
This software is a typical pattern recognition system, including the task of pattern recognition in many areas: image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and so on. 设计的软件是一个典型模式识别系统,包括了模式识别任务的多个方面:图像预处理,图像分割,特征提取,分类识别等。
This vertical search engine for educational resources can meet the needs of users on the E-learning platform. It has the following characteristics: The pattern of resources forms is various, ranking algorithm is more reasonable, Chinese segmentation is superior. 该搜索引擎可以基本满足教学平台上的用户需求,具有检索资源多样化、中文分词性能优越、排序算法合理等优点。
Combining Integrated machine vision technology, image processing technology and pattern recognition technology, we research the segmentation method of online leaf image using adaptive threshold. 综合机器视觉技术、图像处理技术和模式识别技术,研究自适应阈值的在线叶片图像分割方法。
A whole process of detection was developed based on classic three steps method in pattern recognition. In suspicious region segmentation step, system uses the multi-Gaussian model to establish model of background, thus to district motive region in the current frame. 在烟雾探测方面,本文根据模式识别的三个基本步骤提出并实现了一整套烟雾探测的方法。在可疑区域分割环节,系统使用混合高斯模型对背景进行建模,进而提取可疑区域,分割可疑图元。
The method uses regular band as pattern texture features, and then using the watershed algorithm to defect segmentation. 该方法先利用规则带分析方法将图案纹理特征进行描述,再利用分水岭算法对瑕疵进行分割。
It is a difficult and hot issue in the digital video processing areas. It is widely used in video coding, video retrieval, pattern recognition, robot vision, etc. Video motion object segmentation has two branches. 它是数字视频处理领域的难点和热点问题,广泛利用在视频编码、检索、模式识别、机器人视觉等领域。
The author advances a new pattern of image segmentation in light of "color extension" technique. 根据颜色扩散原理提出一种新型图像分割方法&归类图像分割法。
At present, optical wavelet transform has been applied to many fields, such as edge extraction, feature extraction, pattern recognition, image segmentation as well as computer vision, and shows good prospects. 目前,光学小波变换已经被应用于边缘提取、特征提取、模式识别、图像分割、机器视觉等领域,显示出很好的应用前景。
As an important aspect of digital image process and pattern recognition, texture segmentation has always been one of the hottest and most difficult study topics. 纹理分割是图像处理和模式识别中一个重要的研究内容,一直以来是人们研究的热点。
One of image processing goals is the pattern recognition, but the image segmentation and the survey are the pattern recognition work foundations. 图像处理的目的之一是图像识别,而图像分割与测量是图像识别工作的基础。
Image segmentation plays an important role in pattern recognition and computer vision, where partial differential equation based algorithms for image segmentation has been wildly studied in recent years. 图像分割在模式识别和计算机视觉中起着越来越重要的作用,其中基于偏微分方程的分割方法以其独特的优势获得了广泛关注。